Thursday, June 11, 2009

Treasure hunting!

The girls and I did a little treasure hunting today at the thrift favorite! I picked up a ton of good stuff for next to nothing! I think my best find today was a very old book titled Family Home Library. It was falling apart but I couldn't resist it for $1. Anyway, I will hopefully be making some freebie papers from the amazing illustrations in it, but I've already used part of it in a project for myself. I drilled a hole in the cover and made a new clock for my kitchen. It's cool, even if my husband says he can't see the black hands on the black leather. Maybe I'll take them off and use a file to distress them, I'm sure there's silver under the black paint. I made a second piece to hang on the wall and they both look good. I like sets of 3, but my third attempt was just ugly. So I'm trying to keep my mind open to creative flashes...I'll post pictures soon.

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