As many people know, I am a Girl Scout Leader for my daughter's troop. It's one of the biggest joys in my life. I absolutely love the experiences I'm able to provide to my daughter and her friends. And it's all thanks to the founder, Juliette Gordon Low. In honor of Juliette Gordon Low's birthday (October 31st), I am releasing a Girl Scout Scrapbooking set. I tried to include all of the levels of Girl Scouts, Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador & Leader.
Not all items are shown in the preview. Drop shadow are for preview only.

This set includes:
14 coordinating papers, 12x12
14 coordinating distressed cardboard frames
A-Z alpha set
7 Bridging-related items
3 word art
4 cards
2 Juliette Gordon Low picture charms
Bronze, Silver & Gold Awards
You can download the set here.
Please leave me some comments or send me the layouts you make with the kit, I'd love to post them for others to see!