I started a new scrapbook album and I decided that the title page should be a recipe scrapbook page with pictures of me making cookies with my two girls. But, how to scrap it and make it look really special -- my title pages are always very detailed and I put a lot of thought and work into them. Knowing that I wanted to scrapbook the recipe, I decided to print a recipe card that would look retro and really very fun. Here is what I came up with:

I found the graphic of the "chef" online and then I spent 2 days searching for a 1950s retro frame. I could not find one! So I experimented with the warping tool on my photo editor and came up with this frame. I think I accomplished my goal. To finish off the effect, I downloaded fonts from daFont mainly the title font called, Fontdiner.comSparkly.
Here is the .png file that can be used as an overlay for a digital page or printed on paper for traditional scrapbooking. I printed mine on 5x7 tea-stained paper. I was trying to make it look well worn and a little shortening/butter stained like my mom's recipe cards always were.

Click here to download. Please leave me some love if you like my work, and please enjoy!! Also, feel free to try my cookie recipe, we love it at our house!